



fizzlee is a solution that combines modern internal communication tools with exceptional salary benefits! A unique experience that really delights everyone!For you employeesFind all your salary benefits, all in a single app!Take advantage of offers at CSE rates all year round!Get access to thousands of new good deals!Your purchasing power will be increasedBe informed in real time of the news of the company thanks to a real social network. React, comment,... express yourself easily with fizzlee!Take an active part in the life of the company with the setting up of events, pots between employees or even games!Create pools between colleagues and have fun!For you SME:The fizzlee application supports you in attracting and retaining employees over the long term, but above all at a lower cost!A real lever for the development of business performance, fizzlee acts on the motivation and well-being of employees through its benefits exempt from charges, its internal communication and commitment tools:Offer employees the same advantages as the most successful companies!Offer a unique employee experienceOffer e-gift vouchers that they can use everywhere, all the time in all consumer universes!Distribute quick and easy benefits in just 1 click!Give them access to thousands of offers at CSE ratesOffer them thousands of unique good dealsBoost your compensation package with benefits exempt from chargesDevelop interpersonal exchanges thanks to engagement tools!Streamline your internal communication thanks to a modern corporate social network!Reward them worthily with grantsPush the limits of incentives by empowering your employees!Develop the culture of feedback in your company thanks to reactions and comments!Participate in the escapes of your employees by offering them a real holiday card valid everywhere in France and Europe.In other words, fizzlee is the essential 2.0 solution for SMEs!